“Don’t worry, Dad. God’s not dead, God is alive.”

When my kids were little, we used to do those long car trips across the country each summer. My parents made me suffer through them and it was my right and duty to make my children suffer likewise! One trip found us in Yellowstone. It was the 1990s and my boys were eight and six years… Continue reading “Don’t worry, Dad. God’s not dead, God is alive.”

Elaine Klauser is retiring

During all of my tenure here at The Palms, we’ve been gifted with a talented accompanist. It is with mixed emotions that we announce that Elaine Klauser is retiring. She has served the church almost seven years and worked with Pastor Jim 20 years. It’s bittersweet because we are so happy for her and her… Continue reading Elaine Klauser is retiring

Trust walk

A “trust walk” is staple at church camp. It is another way of trying to get kids to see without their eyes. Permit me to explain: One kid gets blindfolded and is led through the wilderness guided only by a partner’s voice. With phrases like, “Take two baby steps to the left” and “Take four… Continue reading Trust walk

Thanks for choosing The Palms!

Grat-i-tude (grat’ – a – tud) n. thankfulness [L. gratus, pleasing, thankful]. Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms. Your presence, participation, and sharing of your time, talent and treasure makes this place so special. In a world where there are a lot of choices, thanks for choosing The Palms! There are so… Continue reading Thanks for choosing The Palms!

“How long, O Lord?”

“How long, O Lord?” the Psalmist cried.  We, too, ask that question: How long, O Lord? How long until this? How long until that?  How long do we have to wear masks? Take temps? Register attendance? Use hand sanitizer? How long are we going to have a truncated worship service? What about singing? What about entering and… Continue reading “How long, O Lord?”