Pastor Paul’s Thanksgiving Facts

A Bountiful Harvest Read, listen, and think about this, our shared history. BY THE ENGLISH CALENDAR, it is autumn 1621. For the Wampanoag, it is Keepunumuk, the time of the harvest. In a small settlement on the edge of the sea,  more than 90 Native men,  members of the Wampanoag Nation, share food with 52… Continue reading Pastor Paul’s Thanksgiving Facts

The ONE thing we know for sure about the real history of Thanksgiving

A letter written in 1621 containing only 115 words inspired the growth of an American tradition that became a national holiday: Thanksgiving. There are several assumptions that are far from factual about that event; things like the Pilgrims taking over empty land, the Wampanoag people being uncivilized, the Pilgrims being peaceful while the natives were… Continue reading The ONE thing we know for sure about the real history of Thanksgiving