Need help getting your vaccine?

I consider myself a competent human being…most of the time! I recently encountered a situation with which I struggled. I couldn’t handle the registration process of the Covid-19 shot forms. I had to ask for help. Maybe you can relate with my struggles. Three people within our congregation stepped forward to help individuals like me get… Continue reading Need help getting your vaccine?

How we express our love of creation

Love of creation is part of the “3 Great Loves” that our denomination is focusing upon. Can you name the other two? Right: neighbor and children. Much of our efforts these last couple of years has focused on love of neighbor. We are to love thy black, poor, differently-abled, immigrant, Islamic, and atheist neighbor. Much… Continue reading How we express our love of creation

It’s Been One Year

March 22 marks the one year anniversary. Some anniversaries are celebrated joyfully with cake, cards, and presents. Others are remembered quietly, somberly, with great reverence. This anniversary falls to the latter. March 22, 2020, we did not meet in our sanctuary (God’s house) for worship at The Palms; we started videoing our worship because it… Continue reading It’s Been One Year

We have a ‘fob-u-lous’ church!

John Durbin first used the term – “We have a ‘fob-u-lous’ church!” We are “fob-u-lous” in so many ways: people, talent, leadership, resources, and blessings. And now even in security. Yep. The key code entrance near King Hall has changed; no longer are there codes to enter. If you are leading a group or meeting and/or need… Continue reading We have a ‘fob-u-lous’ church!

Top 10 ways to fast for Lent

(Spoiler alert: none of them involve chocolate!) Lent is here. One of the words often associated with Lenten practices is fasting. Many of us know that term as it applies to the medical world – fasting is practiced prior to surgeries that require general anesthesia for health reasons. Similarly, the use of the word in… Continue reading Top 10 ways to fast for Lent

Seeing the face of God

My favorite quote is, “To love another person is to see the face of God.” ―Victor Hugo, Les Misérables. I mentioned this fact at our annual meeting last week. My prayer this year in 2021 is for us to see the face of God in neighbor, children, and creation. This coming year we’ll be doing… Continue reading Seeing the face of God

February: From Epiphany to Lent

The month of February 2021 spans two seasons in the liturgical church: Epiphany and Lent. The Season of Epiphany began January 6, as we celebrated the magi’s gifts to the Christ child. The name Epiphany comes from the Greek epiphaneia, meaning “appearance.” The season celebrates the light of Christ going out to the world –… Continue reading February: From Epiphany to Lent