The Race Is On

By now, the race is on. Thanksgiving leftovers are history, shoppers have come home with bags and bargains in tow, Amazon / UPS / Fed-ex are dropping off the online purchases, and the festivities have officially begun. For the next week or so, advertisements will dominate the airwaves, catalogs will clutter our mailboxes, and coupons… Continue reading The Race Is On

Advent is a season full of strikingly different juxtapositions

This is a challenging season for us. We know the stories of Jesus’ birth so well that they can easily become clichés, obscuring the awesome message that God has taken human form as a vulnerable child. So, what can we learn? Advent is a season which is full of strikingly different juxtapositions. The focus of… Continue reading Advent is a season full of strikingly different juxtapositions

Advent & Christmas Top Ten List

10.Q: Christmas is on a Sunday, what are we going to do?A: Celebrate! That’s right, celebrate! “Celebrate” is the simplest and yet the most profound answer to that query. Come & Join us! 9.Q: Are there any other details about Christmas Day we need to know?A: There will be no fellowship time after worship. PJ’s… Continue reading Advent & Christmas Top Ten List

Not an Advent tradition most folks ever consider

The world just topped 8 billion in human population. Is there room in the inn for you, me, and all of God’s children? Advent is a season when we intentionally prepare our hearts and make room. That means removing the clutter and junk from our lives to allow space for Christ’s coming. This season is… Continue reading Not an Advent tradition most folks ever consider

How did a 1621 harvest gathering evolve into a popular holiday?

The Evolution of a Holiday is fascinating. Little did the native population and the people of the Mayflower realize how the culture of Thanksgiving would evolve. The traditions around my family’s celebration of Thanksgiving have taken years to take shape – each generation changing the flavor of the day – literally! Back in the day,… Continue reading How did a 1621 harvest gathering evolve into a popular holiday?

Pastor Paul’s Thanksgiving Facts

A Bountiful Harvest Read, listen, and think about this, our shared history. BY THE ENGLISH CALENDAR, it is autumn 1621. For the Wampanoag, it is Keepunumuk, the time of the harvest. In a small settlement on the edge of the sea,  more than 90 Native men,  members of the Wampanoag Nation, share food with 52… Continue reading Pastor Paul’s Thanksgiving Facts

The ONE thing we know for sure about the real history of Thanksgiving

A letter written in 1621 containing only 115 words inspired the growth of an American tradition that became a national holiday: Thanksgiving. There are several assumptions that are far from factual about that event; things like the Pilgrims taking over empty land, the Wampanoag people being uncivilized, the Pilgrims being peaceful while the natives were… Continue reading The ONE thing we know for sure about the real history of Thanksgiving

Sun City isn’t the hometown for any of us

You would think that the largest trees in the world would need the deepest of roots; I have been taught that most tree roots go as deep as the tree grows tall (look how tall it is, that’s how deep the root goes). But, that’s not the case at all with the largest tree, the… Continue reading Sun City isn’t the hometown for any of us

What Would Our Dreams Look Like?

In some Native American cultures, there’s a talisman called a “dream catcher.” They’re popular folk-art items. A dream catcher resembles a spider’s web made of yarn. It’s adorned with decorative feathers and beads. According to ancient lore, parents were to hang the dream catcher over the cradle of a newborn infant. The device would catch… Continue reading What Would Our Dreams Look Like?

Who has loved you into being?

Who are the special people in your life? Fred Rogers, aka Mr. Rogers, said, “All of us have special ones who have loved us into being.” Who has loved you into being? Who are the people who have been or are saints in your life? Can you recall people who helped shape you into the person… Continue reading Who has loved you into being?