We can do a lot of things because…

It’s a busy weekend at The Palms. On Saturday, we are dedicating our newest sculpture, Homeless Jesus. I hope you can join us and our Transitional Conference Minister, Dr. Toni. That dedication will be Saturday, at 11 am at The Palms.
On Sunday, we will be honoring the (retired and active) clergy among us.

Not too long ago, as I was describing an event at The Palms, a colleague in this community said, “You can do that (at The Palms) because you have all those retired clergy.”

The more I ruminated about that comment and unpacked the significance of it, the more I realized how correct it was! We can do a lot of things because of our retired clergy.

We have a lot of retired clergy and when added to the active clergy still serving in other venues, it makes a powerful impact. Those clergy support the church staff, they provide wisdom, they give energy and leadership to projects (like our Homeless Jesus project), and they bless the church in more ways than we can imagine. Wow! What a blessing!

Also, on Sunday we are encouraged to bring friends to worship. A lunch after worship will be held in King Hall. Make a friend, bring a friend, know that you have a friend in the people beside you at The Palms.
This Sunday, we will give thanks for our busyness, our clergy, and for our friends among us. Sounds like a day of Thanksgiving!

Shalom, Paul