Our Social Justice Team has been very active this summer with a number of activities. Following is a statement and prayer written by Michael Curry, our service leader July 16th, and read by members of Shadow Rock and Church of the Palms , pictured below, at the ICE Office, Phoenix on July 17th, 2017. “Here… Continue reading The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Report
Tag: social justice
Social Justice Team
Photos contributed by Linda Rouches and Jan Hutchins CHURCH OF THE PALMS SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM: MOVING FORWARD Working for JUSTICE through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team (CoPSJT) is moving forward by addressing two immediate issues of concern and three important issues to be addressed in… Continue reading Social Justice Team
The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Launched
At the March 18th, 2017 Church Council meeting, unanimous approval was given to establish the Church of the Palms Social Justice Team. The work of this team will include the following activities: P (Prayer) A (Action) L (Love) M (Ministry) S (Support) Each of these activities is an important as the next. So there is… Continue reading The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Launched