Feet-N-More Shower Ministry Exceeds 200 Showers

By Max Klinkenborg We gave 30 showers that day—Juneteenth—at the Salvation Army Church in Tempe as part of “Day of Freedom.” Our volunteers were in the shade, gulping cold water and wiping sweat in the 116-degree mid-afternoon heat, as the man approached our registration table and asked if he could have a shower. “Of course.… Continue reading Feet-N-More Shower Ministry Exceeds 200 Showers

Know Someone in Need of Prayers?

With all the ongoing changes in our lives and the church life, many of us have special prayer needs for ourselves or others. Since the pencils and forms for submitting names for the prayer list are no longer available in the pews, there are several ways to communicate this desire. The first step is to… Continue reading Know Someone in Need of Prayers?

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month at The Palms

The month of September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. As a faith community, we are using this article, along with each WISE Moment for Mental Wellness page of the weekly order of worship, to raise awareness on this stigmatized topic. As a WISE Congregation for Mental Wellness, it is our desire to offer a safe… Continue reading Suicide Prevention Awareness Month at The Palms

What’s more exciting: congregational meetings or watching paint dry?

It’s an exciting time to be the church! Watching paint dry. Congregational meetings. Some sermons…okay…many sermons! Boring, boring, boring! That can often be the case – but not this time! For quite some time, our former moderator, Judy Jondahl, has led a group of dedicated church folks on redoing and updating our church’s constitution and bylaws (CaB).… Continue reading What’s more exciting: congregational meetings or watching paint dry?

2021–2022 Music Season

Rehearsals for our Sanctuary Choir and Good Vibrations Handbell Choir will begin Thursday, September 2, 2021. If you have been thinking about joining either or both, please come on down! Invite a friend or two! The only requirements to join Sanctuary Choir are that you love to sing, make a joyful noise, and have fun!… Continue reading 2021–2022 Music Season

Church of the Palms “Computer Library” is Here: Home Participation Now Available

The Church of the Palms is stepping solidly into the future of being “the church” to those who cannot physically be present for classes, events or worship. Ten Hewlett Packard Chromebook computers have been purchased through a grant to enable anyone to participate who doesn’t have access to Internet or cellphone. The new “hybrid” church… Continue reading Church of the Palms “Computer Library” is Here: Home Participation Now Available

Self care and personal wellness for caregivers

On this, our final installment of “Let’s Talk About Caregiving” (at least for now), we wanted to offer some Tools2Thrive for those who are caregivers…and those who may want to prepare in the event that you must step into that role in the future. Selfcare and personal wellness are so important when in the role… Continue reading Self care and personal wellness for caregivers

How do you find balance in your life?

My life needs balance: brains, heart, and courage. Like a three-legged stool when I lean into all three of them, they become pillars of strength to carry my physical, emotional, and spiritual weight through the tough moments of life. If I don’t utilize one of the three or if I depend upon one or two more than… Continue reading How do you find balance in your life?

Not Again…What Do We Do Now?

by Kay Klinkenborg Disappointed, angry, frustrated, discouraged, maybe even despair.  Here we are again with COVID cases rising.  We set our hopes and dreams on a different outcome and projected what our future for 2021 would hold.   But maybe, just maybe that is what creates our pain, of not accepting ‘reality’ as it is.   We… Continue reading Not Again…What Do We Do Now?