Do you go to church or are you the church?

Do you go to church or are you the church? Do you approach church with a consumer or missional point of view? As we approach the pinnacle of this holy season, for what are you looking in your proverbial church stocking? Some Christmas elves are interested in a consumer church. Their attitude views church as… Continue reading Do you go to church or are you the church?

The ABCs of Christmas!

During this Advent season, an elf helped remind me of the ABC’s of Christmas: Anticipate joyBe kindCount your blessingsDreamExpress gratitudeForgiveGive cheerfullyHarm no oneImagine possibilitiesJettison angerKeep confidencesMake peaceNurture hopeOpen your mindPlay fairQuell rumorsReciprocate goodnessSeek wisdomTouch heartsUnderstandValue truthWelcome diversityXeriscapeYearn for holinessZealously care for others Wait, I Love this list, but the elf left out a letter! Noel! Noel! Noel!… Continue reading The ABCs of Christmas!

I-HELP & King Hall: In the room where it happens

By Nancy Mueller The Church of the Palms has been an integral part of Interfaith Homeless Emergency Shelter (I-HELP) of the northwest valley since it began in October 2019, usually hosting every Monday night. I-HELP is administered by Lutheran Social Services who interviews, selects, and provides case management for those who have lost safe and… Continue reading I-HELP & King Hall: In the room where it happens

Spiritual housecleaning: a new Advent tradition?

Advent is a season for every heart to prepare Christ room. That means removing the boxes from our lives to allow space for Christ’s coming. The season is busy and intense for most of us. Emptying and simplifying strike us as seasonally inappropriate. We think of doing more and more, not less and less. A… Continue reading Spiritual housecleaning: a new Advent tradition?

In 2026, what will you remember about Christmas 2021?

What do you remember about your childhood Christmas celebrations? How do you want your family to answer that question someday? If you’re like me, you don’t tend to remember the gifts you were given as much as the special moments. One of my great regrets with my kids is that our Christmas season was often… Continue reading In 2026, what will you remember about Christmas 2021?