Sabbatical 2023

Sabbatical 2023. This time, it’s Pastor Jim’s turn. That’s right, Pastor Jim will be going on sabbatical starting Monday, June 5, 2023, and will return to us on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. A dedicated group of leaders will be helping with the preaching, visiting, music, and technical stuff. Sabbaticals are a time for tuning our… Continue reading Sabbatical 2023

Transformation: Your well-prepared script vs real life

Transformation is possible – even for you and me. Many years ago, when my middle child was still in preschool, his class had studied the caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation process. At the preschool open house, they were to release the butterflies into the world. Like clockwork, the caterpillars had done their thing and began emerging from the… Continue reading Transformation: Your well-prepared script vs real life

Creation Justice Sunday, April 23

Sunday, April 23rd, is our annual Creation Justice Sunday. Each year during a special worship service we profess our love for the earth and take actions in saving this marvelous gift from God. As we join with others of all backgrounds and from around the world, we come together to advance sustainability and climate action… Continue reading Creation Justice Sunday, April 23

If Jesus’ followers reviewed him on Rate My Professor

What would it look like if Jesus’ followers reviewed him like students review teachers? Strange thought, I know. But that was precisely Amanda Lehr’s thesis. Here’s my weird spin on that idea. Professor Jesus’ reviews from students like you and me: Where are we challenged by a Risen Jesus? How hard are God’s assignments for… Continue reading If Jesus’ followers reviewed him on Rate My Professor