Sun City isn’t the hometown for any of us

You would think that the largest trees in the world would need the deepest of roots; I have been taught that most tree roots go as deep as the tree grows tall (look how tall it is, that’s how deep the root goes).

But, that’s not the case at all with the largest tree, the Giant Sequoia. Sequoia tree roots are very shallow – under ten feet deep. So tall and roots just a few feet deep? The physics of that don’t make sense. Yet, it is true.

You see, they make up for their lack of deep roots in width; sometimes their roots extend up to hundreds of feet from the trunk where they intertwine and hold on with other tree roots. They thrive in thick groves, where the roots intertwine and even fuse together. This gives them tremendous strength against the forces that rage and blow against them enabling them to reach the size no other tree can.

Sun City isn’t the hometown for any of us and our roots may not go very deep here. But can they grow wide—wide enough to reach the people around us?

This coming Sunday is Bring-A-Friend Sunday. It’s a great opportunity to spread our roots wide, invite a friend, and grow together. Talk to someone this week about your church and bring a friend this Sunday!

Shalom, Paul