The Progress Pride Flag

One of Howard Thurman’s most famous quotes is, “Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because the world needs people who have come alive.” As we emerge from the Covid cocoon, we are exploring how to come alive—our mission for 2023 is “What makes you come alive? Go and do it.”

After receiving the recommendation of the LGBTQ+ Ministry Team, our Executive Board took the time to review the meaning of the Progress Pride Flag. One member quietly said, “Of course we should do this; this is who we are.”

On June 22, 2023, as one small step in that direction, The Church of the Palms raised the Progress Pride Flag, recognizing those who have spent their whole lives building the foundation and message of support and sanctuary for LGBTQ+, and adding the colors and a new design for people of color, transgender, intersex or non-binary offering the message of supporting all.

The Palms is a safe place to be who God created us to be and to come alive.

I also know to be faithful to our call from God, we need to use our brains, have a heart, and muster up some courage. Rather than living as though we are untouched by faith, let us be the citadel against bigotry. Let us be bold examples for our neighbors of what faithful living looks like. And let us not shrink and hide from our responsibility to be The Palms of God reaching out with love and acceptance. Let us not allow fear mongers to frame the moment, but rather let us live these days and let us define the moment as an expression of what it is – the rainbow is God’s Biblical promise to one and all of love, justice, and welcome.

Shalom, Paul