
February is a time at The Palms when we look towards the future. Fresh off the glow of the annual meeting, boards and committees are selecting people to chair their respective groups, plus the “Mod Squad” meets with the pastors and sets priorities for the year for the church. It is a time when normally our winter friends are here with us. It’s a great time to be the church!

One of the things I really appreciate about being at The Palms, is the team approach. I don’t dictate to Pastor Jim. John Durbin, our moderator, isn’t operating out of “he’s the boss and everyone has to do what he says,” attitude. His wife, Pat, would set him straight if he ever did that! Teamwork is in every breath, every thought, every step. Thus, it’s a great time to be the church!

Teamwork. That is a good word to ponder as we look towards the future in 2021 and beyond. Teamwork. It makes sense in the short and long term. Teamwork. It makes the requirements of doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God go more smoothly. Teamwork. I look forward to working and teaming with you this year!

It is a great time to be the church!

Shalom, Paul