I have the same naïve thought every year…

Before each summer hits us, I have this naïve thought that maybe this year it won’t be so hot. Then record heat fries us and my brain back into reality. It has been a typical summer season – one with record heat and we are melting.

Some of the good comments about the heat that I have heard this summer include:

  • I’m making some fried eggs on my car hood…and I’m taking orders!
  • I’m baking a lasagna in my mailbox this afternoon.
  • I saw a dog chasing a cat – they were both walking!
  • It’s so dry the trees are bribing the dogs.
  • I left the farmer’s market with vegetables and by the time I go home they had turned into vegetable soup.
  • The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

When it gets this hot, be smart. Hydrate. Limit your exposure to the sun. Use sunscreen products. Wear a hat when outside. Come to worship where our AC feels great.
Shalom, Paul