Clothing Drive

Every two months, members of The Church of the Palms are asked to donate non-monetary gifts to different groups we support. During May and June, children at Dysart Community Center are the designated recipients of our gifts.

This year DCC is requesting underwear (no socks needed) and stretchy shorts for boys and girls sizes 4-12. Some of these donations are needed for children who have toileting accidents during Dysart’s after-school program or during its nine-week summer camp. Small, medium, and large sizes are needed, with the greatest need in sizes 8-10 for both boys and girls and small underwear sizes for girls.

If you prefer, cash donations can be given which Mission and Outreach will use to purchase needed items.

Thanks for helping!

-Linda Hoffman


Donations are ALSO welcome for Dysart’s nine-week summer camp of 150 children. Items related to children’s interests, such as books, games, puzzles, art supplies, etc., will be put to use during the camp. Also, during the summer camp, other items on Dysart’s wish list are microwave popcorn, snacks, popsicles, water, paper plates and cups. These items may be placed in the Dysart Community Center box in the donation center.

Do you have a green thumb? Recently a play area has been constructed behind the classrooms at DCC and a raised garden is part of that area. If you have an hour or so each week that you could help that garden prosper, please contact Linda Hoffman, or leave a message for her at the church, for more information.

Thanks, as always, for your continued support of this important outreach mission to our neighbors at the centers in El Mirage and Surprise.