Doing Grief™ Community Healing Project: Fall Schedule

We all suffer loss from birth to death: illness, injury, death, aging, broken relationships and more; so, grieving is a life skill to learn and healing is the journey of a lifetime. That’s why Healing Project programs are for everyone – whether you are actively grieving a loss or not. Come and experience healing through… Continue reading Doing Grief™ Community Healing Project: Fall Schedule

Information Session: October 25

Interested in joining our congregation? We’re having an information session on Wednesday, October 25 at 3:30 pm. We’ll give you a tour of the church and a light supper, and you’ll visit with Pastor Paul and Pastor Jim, and meet some active church members, as well. There’ll be a Q&A time and a photo session,… Continue reading Information Session: October 25

Service Auction & Potluck

Mark your calendar for October 14th from 3 to 5 pm in King Hall for the Homeless Jesus Statue and Homeless Ministry Fundraising Potluck and Service Auction. Please consider donating something for the auction (time, talent, treasure): * It could be the gift of TIME: taking someone shopping, pet sitting, transportation to a doctor’s appointment,… Continue reading Service Auction & Potluck

It’s planting season once again.

I relate much of my life to gardening. Summer is a sabbatical, a take-a-break, a time-to-rest season. Autumn is a new beginning because it’s planting season once again. How blessed we are that planting season happens multiple times in the Sonoran Desert! The essence of being rooted, perhaps, is in knowing that who you are… Continue reading It’s planting season once again.


Learn or Review Life Saving Techniques The Worship Team initiated the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (ADE) to be placed in the hallway between King Hall and the Sanctuary. In the event that an individual at our church would experience a cardiac event requiring resuscitation, this ADE unit is very user friendly, easy to… Continue reading SAVE A LIFE!

Christian Nationalism: What It Is And Why it is Dangerous to America and Our Freedoms

Saturday, September 30th, 10 – 11:30 am in King Hall Often, when the word “Christian” is in front of another word, we assume it is a healthy use of the beliefs/ideas and about Jesus’ way of living. This is not so. Christian Nationalism has been on the rise for several years and has dominated the… Continue reading Christian Nationalism: What It Is And Why it is Dangerous to America and Our Freedoms

It was a wonderful Sunday.

We celebrated Pastor Jim’s return from sabbatical! The joy was palpable. The smiles came readily. The laughter was contagious. In the midst of all of life’s brokenness and sorrow, a holy moment of love shined upon us and embraced us reminding us that love is still present and active. And now we get to focus… Continue reading It was a wonderful Sunday.

Drum Circles, Story Circles & Befriending Death at the Healing Project

Rev. Shea Darian invites you to these fall programs at Doing Grief ™ Community Healing Project at the Interfaith Chapel for Healing at The Church of the Palms (click link for more information on each event): DRUM CIRCLES (3RD SUNDAYS) – DR. LYDIA WOODS: SEPT. 17, OCT. 15, NOV. 19, DEC 17, 3-5 PM WELCOME… Continue reading Drum Circles, Story Circles & Befriending Death at the Healing Project

As of this writing, my mom is in a hospice facility.

We are trying to make sure she is comfortable. I don’t know how long or short this last stage will be. I like to control things, but I can’t control this. All I can do is help her be pain-free and sit with my memories. There are a thousand things to do and yet, the… Continue reading As of this writing, my mom is in a hospice facility.

9 truths and 1 lie about my employment history

What kind of jobs have you labored at during your lifetime? Did you have a favorite one? I’ve done a lot of different jobs in my life. Here’s a list of nine truths about my employment history and one lie. Can you guess which one is the lie? Youth MinisterProfessional Basketball PlayerFactory WorkerSheet Metal FabricatorLawn MowingSubstitute… Continue reading 9 truths and 1 lie about my employment history