A Hallmark Holiday

Hallmark Holidays… that’s what some folks call them. The word holiday is derived from the phrase “Holy Days.” Crunch those words together and we get “holiday.”

The greeting card industry has entered the picture and added many holy days to our calendar with their ultimate goal to sell more greeting cards. Now, literally, everyday is “holy day” in which to celebrate with our loved ones. Today, May 9, for example, we are celebrating / remembering:

  • Hooray for Buttons Day
  • National Sleepover Day
  • National Lost Sock Memorial Day

There are more examples, but you get my point.

This Sunday, according to the calendar, is Mother’s Day. Some moms are loving, tender, and sacrificial. Others are not. Many of us have been blessed with multiple people in our lives whose love is like that of a kind mother – gentle, giving, sharing, compassionate. For all who showed us a glimpse of God’s love, I give thanks!

Shalom, Paul