Women’s Clothing Donations Needed

Each day, women leave Perryville Prison after having served their time, often without clothes to reenter society. There is an urgent need for clothing of all sizes: shorts, pants, tops, and business attire for job interviews. No undergarments, sleepwear or shoes, please. Donations can be boxed or bagged (no hangers).

The Shower Trailer is Here; Now What?

by Max Klinkenborg The shower trailer arrived at Church of the Palms on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020, after a 1,534-mile trip from Elkhart, Indiana, where it was manufactured. It came with a notebook full of instructions and manuals for the air conditioner, water heater, controls, etc. To provide the electrical power for the trailer, we… Continue reading The Shower Trailer is Here; Now What?

Thanksgiving: Not Just a Meal

As was announced earlier, it has been decided for safety reasons that The Church of the Palms will not serve a meal this year for Thanksgiving. However, we do feel that some of the goals of the activity can still be met. The goals of The Annual Joyce Spaulding Memorial Thanksgiving Feast:• Opportunity for ministry•… Continue reading Thanksgiving: Not Just a Meal

Dysart Community Center School Supplies Needed

The Palms’ Social Justice Action Team is running a “School Supplies Drive” November 1–15 for kids at the Dysart Community Center. There’s a drop-off box in the narthex for these suggested items. Thank you! • #2 pencils• Extra erasers• Pens (blue or black)• Box of crayons• Box of markers or colored pencils• Glue sticks• 1/2 inch… Continue reading Dysart Community Center School Supplies Needed

The shower trailer is here!

The Church of the Palms’ shower trailer was delivered on October 20! Once it’s ready, we’ll invite their I-HELP guests to be the first to use it. In time we’ll use the shower trailer around the NW Valley, offering showers to the homeless on regular schedules. The shower trailer has three private compartments, each containing a… Continue reading The shower trailer is here!

Social Justice Action Team: October update

Creation Justice Mission statement:   To embody our faith in our relationships with God’s creation Goals: To educate and encourage congregational members to take concrete actions that express their stewardship of creation To strive for significant reductions in the church’s energy and water consumption and waste in order to offset our carbon footprint To advocate… Continue reading Social Justice Action Team: October update

Mental Wellness Education Month at The Palms

October 2020 is Mental Wellness Education Month at The Palms. Each week this month, you will be provided with information you can use to become aware of the stigma associated with mental health. There are significant gaps that exist within our society making it difficult for individuals to receive proper care, support and treatment. From… Continue reading Mental Wellness Education Month at The Palms

WISE Moments for Mental Wellness: Preparedness

by Judy Jondahl The WISE Moments for Mental Wellness will be focused on Preparedness during the month of September. Have you ever noticed how much stress and anxiety is associated with the physical things of your home that just need attention: if you don’t have a fire extinguisher; if you don’t have a way to… Continue reading WISE Moments for Mental Wellness: Preparedness