Upcoming Class: A Safe Space for Starting Conversations About Suicide and Its Prevention

Kay Klinkenborg will facilitate two classes on suicide from 10:00-11:30 a.m., Nov. 9th and 16th, in King Hall and online via Bridges. Masks are required and seating with social distancing. This will be a safe (unrecorded) environment to talk about one of the most difficult subjects in our lives: words hard to say — suicide… Continue reading Upcoming Class: A Safe Space for Starting Conversations About Suicide and Its Prevention

All Saints Sunday, November 7

For all the saints, who from their labors rest… None of us arrived where we are without the help of others. It might have been parents, siblings, grandparents, or other relatives who guided us on our journey. More than likely on your list of mentors you have teachers, pastors, and or Sunday school leaders. What about… Continue reading All Saints Sunday, November 7

What are the Seven Wonders of the World to YOU?

Many years ago, geography students, having traveled around the earth by book, were asked at the end of the semester to list what each considered the “Seven Wonders of the World.” The following garnered the most votes:  Egypt’s Great Pyramid, the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon, the Panama Canal, the Empire State Building, St. Peter’s Basilica,… Continue reading What are the Seven Wonders of the World to YOU?

Missing Sermons and Lessons: Part II

A: When Domestic Violence Is Revealed—DOs and DON’Ts B: Elder Abuse: Be Informed and Resources by Kay Klinkenborg A: WHEN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS REVEALED…DO’S AND DON’Ts There are some key truths and safety strategies to know when a situation of domestic violence (DV) is revealed; safety for the victim and you. TRUTHS: Victims suffer multiple… Continue reading Missing Sermons and Lessons: Part II

Get out your hard hat!

There is a good reason that construction workers wear hard hats: to protect their health. It may give them hat-hair, be bothersome, uncomfortable, and or a burden, but it is necessary. We aren’t quite going to be requiring a hard hat along with our mask mandate, but we’re going to be a construction zone as… Continue reading Get out your hard hat!

Missing Sermons and Lessons: Part I of II “Why Shy and Silent About Domestic Violence?”

(This series is about adult with adult relationships) by Kay Klinkenborg  October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  A topic we seldom write about in our religious or spiritual articles.  I was about 40 years old, married to an ordained minister and the first time in my life I heard a sermon from the pulpit on domestic… Continue reading Missing Sermons and Lessons: Part I of II “Why Shy and Silent About Domestic Violence?”

Old dogs learning new tricks

New vocabulary – it can be demanding, exacting, and difficult! When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to be a pastor, so I paid special attention to scripture. I was good at memorizing passages. In college, I continued that trend as a religion major. Then there was an internship and then seminary. Halfway through… Continue reading Old dogs learning new tricks

World Communion Sunday: October 3, 2021

Each year, Christians around the world mark the first Sunday in October by coming together for communion. This year, World Communion Sunday falls on October 3. And, as described in Luke 13:29, “The people will come from east and west, from north and south, and will eat at the table of God.” What are your… Continue reading World Communion Sunday: October 3, 2021