When I was in a preaching position for the first time 33 years ago, a new thought occurred to me. That year, I was sitting in front of my TV watching the president give the State of the Union Address. The governor gave a State of the State Address. And the mayor gave a State of the City Address. My thought, although not a new thought, was new to me: The State of the Church Address.
Every year since, I have given what I call my State of the Church Address. This year will be no different. At our Annual Meeting this Saturday, January 25, at 9:00 am in the sanctuary, as part of the meeting, I will deliver my State of the Church Address. In it I will chronicle the past year—its joys and sorrows. I will also look forward into the new year to forecast our foreseeable strengths and challenges. I will unveil our new theme for 2025 and walk us through what I think that means for us.
At the Annual Meeting we will also vote on our 2025 budget, our slate of officers for the Executive Board, and our other Boards. It is an important time for the church. I hope to see you there!
Annual Meeting
Saturday, January 25
9:00 am
Shalom, Paul
This Saturday: The State of the Church Address