Why is IHELP closing?

For the past five plus years we have partnered with Lutheran Social Services (LSS) to provide the homeless population a safe place to sleep. Over 100 volunteers have supported the program. Five-plus years equals over 250 nights of hosting with 330 guests. The people in the program have come through our doors searching for hope,… Continue reading Why is IHELP closing?

The unusual season of Lent

Lent. The season of Lent is, to my mind, the most unusual season of all. Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are filled with expectation, warmth, and wonder. Easter is full of joy. The Day of Pentecost is filled with excitement. Ordinary time (the time between Pentecost Sunday and Advent) describes much of my life—ordinary. But Lent… Continue reading The unusual season of Lent

Be outraged, church.

Optimism is hard to come by these days. But cynicism and pessimism won’t help us now. Together, we can make the world a better place. Actually, we can do more than our wildest dreams. That’s not a merely faith statement; it’s a fact verified by human history. Here are excerpts from the sermon last week: The… Continue reading Be outraged, church.

Accountable to one another, let us boldly step into 2025.

This year our church theme is Imagine! Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, and Walking Humbly with God. So, how will you and I shape our life and ministry to live that challenge? Accountable to one another, let us boldly step into 2025. Here’s my top ten list of beliefs helping me shape my ministry in 2025.… Continue reading Accountable to one another, let us boldly step into 2025.

Our new theme for 2025 is…

“Imagine! Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, and Walking humbly with God!” Based on Micah 6:8, that theme will be woven into all of our activities and help us reframe the narrative of Christianity. In 2025 this church will be a citadel against the storms of bigotry and hatred. We will embody the words of Bishop Marianne… Continue reading Our new theme for 2025 is…

This Saturday: The State of the Church Address

When I was in a preaching position for the first time 33 years ago, a new thought occurred to me. That year, I was sitting in front of my TV watching the president give the State of the Union Address. The governor gave a State of the State Address. And the mayor gave a State… Continue reading This Saturday: The State of the Church Address

Where to begin in becoming a peacemaker?

I have no magic wand to wave to bring Peace in and throughout our lives. But I promise as we walk in community together, as we seek answers to questions on our common journeys, that peace is possible. In the face of a war-torn and violent world that we see reflected for us on the… Continue reading Where to begin in becoming a peacemaker?

God’s light is like a night-light…⭐

When my kids were little, they used a night-light. It was just a small light glowing in the darkness of their room to put their wild fears and anxieties to rest and enable them to feel secure in a big way. We had a night-light in the hallway, too. If they felt insecure and needed… Continue reading God’s light is like a night-light…⭐