What were these five women in the kitchen and one man in the parking lot doing on a Monday night at The Church of the Palms? They represent the various roles needed to support IHELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Housing Program). We have about 75 volunteers that support IHELP this year. Ask any of them about… Continue reading Meet some of our IHELP volunteers
Our fourth anniversary with IHELP!
Tomorrow, October 28, is the fourth anniversary of IHELP at the Palms! IHELP stands for Interfaith Homeless Emergency Housing Program. In 2023, The Church of the Palms volunteers and friends of the church number near 75. Since January we housed over 60 adults and accumulated nearly 2,000 volunteer hours. The numbers were similar in the… Continue reading Our fourth anniversary with IHELP!
Keep the Wheels on the Bus Going ‘Round: Be a Volunteer
by Mikey Witt The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, well you know the song. The bus ministry helps those in need — whether it is driving the bus for the I-HELP program or transporting people to and from Sunday Worship. We need some volunteers. On Monday, at 4:00 p.m.,… Continue reading Keep the Wheels on the Bus Going ‘Round: Be a Volunteer
What is I-HELP?
I-HELP is the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest. Church of the Palms hosts I-HELP guests on our campus. A typical I-HELP guest is someone who is ready to move out homelessness. Max Klinkenborg describes volunteering with the I-HELP program here at Church of the Palms this way: “It’s… Continue reading What is I-HELP?
I-HELP & King Hall: In the room where it happens
By Nancy Mueller The Church of the Palms has been an integral part of Interfaith Homeless Emergency Shelter (I-HELP) of the northwest valley since it began in October 2019, usually hosting every Monday night. I-HELP is administered by Lutheran Social Services who interviews, selects, and provides case management for those who have lost safe and… Continue reading I-HELP & King Hall: In the room where it happens
I-HELP Needs Overnight Volunteer Monitors
Are you a night owl or a morning dove? Here is an Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) late-night or early-morning volunteer opportunity for you: I-HELP needs overnight monitors. Volunteer time-slots are 10:00 p.m.-3:00 a.m. or 3:00-7:00 am. The I-HELP guests are usually weary and sleep soundly during these hours. Usually, there are 12 guests.… Continue reading I-HELP Needs Overnight Volunteer Monitors
Provide Meals for Our I-Help Guests in December
Please contact Laurie Cathey at spkplg1941@hotmail.com or at 623.238.3826 or if you can provide meals for any of the following dates: Dinner:December 7, 11, 21, and Christmas Dinner on the 25th Breakfast:December 1, 5, 8, 12, 22, and 26 Packed Lunch:December 8 and 15
The Shower Trailer is Here; Now What?
by Max Klinkenborg The shower trailer arrived at Church of the Palms on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020, after a 1,534-mile trip from Elkhart, Indiana, where it was manufactured. It came with a notebook full of instructions and manuals for the air conditioner, water heater, controls, etc. To provide the electrical power for the trailer, we… Continue reading The Shower Trailer is Here; Now What?
Thanksgiving: Not Just a Meal
As was announced earlier, it has been decided for safety reasons that The Church of the Palms will not serve a meal this year for Thanksgiving. However, we do feel that some of the goals of the activity can still be met. The goals of The Annual Joyce Spaulding Memorial Thanksgiving Feast:• Opportunity for ministry•… Continue reading Thanksgiving: Not Just a Meal
The shower trailer is here!
The Church of the Palms’ shower trailer was delivered on October 20! Once it’s ready, we’ll invite their I-HELP guests to be the first to use it. In time we’ll use the shower trailer around the NW Valley, offering showers to the homeless on regular schedules. The shower trailer has three private compartments, each containing a… Continue reading The shower trailer is here!