Kairos Call to Action: The Fierce Urgency of Now

The Kairos Call to Action recently issued by the United Church of Christ’s Council for Climate Justice builds on what Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the fierce urgency of now,” and an understanding of Kairos time as time that is ripe, pregnant, and urgent time. The call to action urges congregations to begin a decade… Continue reading Kairos Call to Action: The Fierce Urgency of Now

Quarantine, Schmorentine, Church of the Palms is Not Closed…We Are Deployed

Do you do any of these things: pray, take action, love, tend to others’ needs, support the work of our church? If you do, you are part of our church’s Social Justice Action Team, seeking justice through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support (PALMS). Using Micah 6:8, “And what does the LORD require of us… Continue reading Quarantine, Schmorentine, Church of the Palms is Not Closed…We Are Deployed

Meet the Church of the Palms Social Justice Champions: Pam & Paul Clark

Each year, the Social Justice Action Team selects an individual(s) to receive the Social Justice Champion Award. The person(s) chosen best exemplifies our guiding scripture “And what does the LORD require of us but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God” Micah 6:8. Selection criteria includes: History of being… Continue reading Meet the Church of the Palms Social Justice Champions: Pam & Paul Clark

Offering Hospitality to Asylum Seekers, or Love Thy Neighbor – No Exceptions

Members of your social justice team have been exploring ways of offering support to immigrants who are seeking asylum and have been admitted to the country legally. These families have applied for asylum on entry (completing all necessary paperwork to do so) and are being allowed to travel to family members in the US who… Continue reading Offering Hospitality to Asylum Seekers, or Love Thy Neighbor – No Exceptions

The Church of the Palms Social Justice Champion Recognition: Carolyn Modeen

This recognition is awarded to a person who is a member of our church, active in leadership roles, and active in social justice ministry. The individual  demonstrates a long-term commitment to seek justice on local, regional, and global issues. Her/his actions challenge injustices and effect change through education, advocacy, activism, and fundraising. Finally, the individual demonstrates the belief that everyone… Continue reading The Church of the Palms Social Justice Champion Recognition: Carolyn Modeen

Social Justice Team update

Seeking JUSTICE through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support P. A. L. M. S. The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team, which is part of the Board of Mission & Outreach, is moving forward by addressing major social justice issues of our times. Using the scripture passage from Micah 6:8, “And what does the… Continue reading Social Justice Team update

Social Justice Action Team

Seeking justice through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team has been very active. The team members working on the Immigration/Refugee issue have developed a working relationship with Refugee Focus, a division of Lutheran Social Services. For more than thirty years, this organization has served some of the… Continue reading Social Justice Action Team

Raising the Rainbow Flag Ceremony Photos

Church of the PALMS Social Justice Team: Seeking justice through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support The rainbow flag represents affirmation of our Church’s commitment to be Open and Affirming and to show our support for the LGBTQ community. The flag is commonly flown with the red stripe on top, as the colors appear in… Continue reading Raising the Rainbow Flag Ceremony Photos

The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Report

Our Social Justice Team has been very active this summer with a number of activities. Following is a statement and prayer written by Michael Curry, our service leader July 16th, and read by members of Shadow Rock and Church of the Palms , pictured below, at the ICE Office, Phoenix on July 17th, 2017. “Here… Continue reading The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Report