A top 10 list for alive churches

What makes a congregation come alive? I’ve asked some friends across the nation and have gleaned their thoughts on this matter. Here’s a top 10 list for alive churches. 10. Alive churches adjust their sails. They know change is the only way growth happens. Change is a gift from God.9. Alive churches ask a lot… Continue reading A top 10 list for alive churches

The three things required for our mission

“Wherever you are on your journey,” the UCC slogan goes, “you are welcome here!” Although we might all be in different places on our individual journeys, we come together to live our mission: Sharing God’s Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome! What does it take to come together to live our mission? And how do… Continue reading The three things required for our mission

Our New Sacred Place: Donations Area

A sacred place is defined as a space distinguished from other spaces. The rituals that a people either practice at a place or direct toward it mark its sacredness and differentiate it from other defined spaces. At The Church of The Palms, we have several sacred spaces: Our beautiful Sanctuary, the Memorial Garden, our Chapel,… Continue reading Our New Sacred Place: Donations Area

So, what is your mission?

The Church of the Palms has a mission statement: Sharing God’s Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome. That statement is more than a policy statement; it speaks of our core values and desires. Plus, it gives us direction when the Spirit blows forcing us to adjust our sails. So, what is your mission? I suspect… Continue reading So, what is your mission?

Seeking volunteers for potential shower trailer ministry

When homeless persons are asked what they need, they most often say: A shower. Cities all over the U.S. are finding creative ways to offer showers. In Mesa, Paz de Cristo rents a shower trailer each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., during which 60 people will take a shower. As we continue our… Continue reading Seeking volunteers for potential shower trailer ministry