Advent & Christmas Top Ten List

10.Q: Christmas is on a Sunday, what are we going to do?A: Celebrate! That’s right, celebrate! “Celebrate” is the simplest and yet the most profound answer to that query. Come & Join us! 9.Q: Are there any other details about Christmas Day we need to know?A: There will be no fellowship time after worship. PJ’s… Continue reading Advent & Christmas Top Ten List

Thanksgiving and Christmas at The Palms

November 20 is our Thanksgiving Sunday and we’ll be giving thanks for our clergy including our retired clergy. We will serve a Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, November 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sign up today to donate food, volunteer to serve, or to eat. Questions? Talk to Wendy Whitlock. Make plans to join… Continue reading Thanksgiving and Christmas at The Palms

The ABCs of Christmas!

During this Advent season, an elf helped remind me of the ABC’s of Christmas: Anticipate joyBe kindCount your blessingsDreamExpress gratitudeForgiveGive cheerfullyHarm no oneImagine possibilitiesJettison angerKeep confidencesMake peaceNurture hopeOpen your mindPlay fairQuell rumorsReciprocate goodnessSeek wisdomTouch heartsUnderstandValue truthWelcome diversityXeriscapeYearn for holinessZealously care for others Wait, I Love this list, but the elf left out a letter! Noel! Noel! Noel!… Continue reading The ABCs of Christmas!

In 2026, what will you remember about Christmas 2021?

What do you remember about your childhood Christmas celebrations? How do you want your family to answer that question someday? If you’re like me, you don’t tend to remember the gifts you were given as much as the special moments. One of my great regrets with my kids is that our Christmas season was often… Continue reading In 2026, what will you remember about Christmas 2021?

The Work of Christmas

I will light candles this Christmas,Candles of joy despite all the sadness,Candles of hope where despair keeps watch,Candles of courage for fears ever present,Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days,Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens,Candles of love to inspire all my living,Candles that will burn all year long.—Howard Thurman The Season of Christmas is twelve… Continue reading The Work of Christmas