Taking the wrinkle out of the irony of Advent

Advent is a complex season of ironies – Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love are contrary to how the world operates. Advent is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus; yet it’s also a penitential season in which we examine and prepare ourselves for his promised return. During Advent we remember the first witnesses to… Continue reading Taking the wrinkle out of the irony of Advent

Choosing the work of Christmas now and throughout the year

The season of Christmas follows Advent. I am drawn to Howard Thurman during this season. He wrote the poem, I Will Light Candles this Christmas. It comes from the book The Mood of Christmas… I will light Candles this Christmas,Candles of joy despite all the sadness,Candles of hope where despair keeps watch,Candles of courage for fears ever present,Candles… Continue reading Choosing the work of Christmas now and throughout the year

10 Things NOT to Do at Christmas

“The most wonderful time of the year” has arrived – a time to gather with family and friends and for church activities. To help you and me make it through this wonderful time, here are 10 Things NOT to Do at Christmas: 10) Don’t Forget Those Without Food — Jesus once said that when we feed the… Continue reading 10 Things NOT to Do at Christmas

My “1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Version”

Bringing the Bible to today’s world is a goal for many of us. Sharon Jaynes used a familiar Bible verse (1 Corinthians 13) to bring out that love is the reason for the season in her, “1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Version.” I’ve tweaked it to apply to us at The Palms. If we decorate God’s… Continue reading My “1 Corinthians 13 Christmas Version”

What’s filled with awesomeness and is fantabulous?

I like to make up words – taking obvious phrases and expanding upon them. I figure, if Shakespeare could invent words, why can’t I? I often use these made-up words in notes and in conversations. Communicating things like: “You are filled with awesomeness” and “You are so fantabulous.” These are familiar parts of my vocabulary.… Continue reading What’s filled with awesomeness and is fantabulous?

The Race Is On

By now, the race is on. Thanksgiving leftovers are history, shoppers have come home with bags and bargains in tow, Amazon / UPS / Fed-ex are dropping off the online purchases, and the festivities have officially begun. For the next week or so, advertisements will dominate the airwaves, catalogs will clutter our mailboxes, and coupons… Continue reading The Race Is On