Pastor Paul’s brief recap of the past five years

Thank you to all who made the 2022 Annual Meeting such a success. I am honored to serve with the slate of volunteers we have for 2022. Before we jump too far into the 2022, let me give a brief recap of the past five years.

In 2017, I talked about adjusting our sails, because God’s spirit was about to blow in a new way if we could just see it. A flag was raised. We led the SWC in new members. And the budget hemorrhaging stopped. Hope was reborn.

In 2018 I talked of transitioning away from a consumer church to a missional church. A consumer church is where the members come with the attitude of what’s in it for me, entertain me, and I want things my way. A missional church is one where the people come and say, “how can I help?” and, “what I can do promote our mission?” I also talked of stepping out in faith and bringing Pastor Jim on full time. Again, we led the SWC in new members.

In 2019, I talked about the potential of possibility. We presented a deficit budget that I said that held the possibility which would make it better and that our endowments would grow significantly. We took that step onto the staircase and God blessed us and turned that staircase into an escalator for us.

In 2020, I talked of integrity and vision. In a year where we didn’t meet in-person for 9½ months we had a surplus budget – Wow! We expanded our social justice ministry by getting a Shower Trailer – Who starts a new ministry in the middle of a pandemic? The answer is we do because we are called to be The Palms of Jesus in good times and in bad.

In 2021, I shared that my favorite quote is, “To love another person is to see the face of God.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables. We discovered that worshipping God wasn’t limited to Sunday morning in the sanctuary – it happened beyond the walls of the building and even off property. We had a record amount of giving by members – over $500,000. The capital campaign goal was $100,000 but raised $180,000 for going green!

What will 2022 hold out for us? Let me offer this brief thought: Adjusting our sails as a missional church, God is holding out the potential for possibility if we have integrity and vision to love others. Dream big. Live boldly. Love God.

Shalom, Paul