In-Person worship: Next steps

By John Durbin, COTP Moderator

The team helping us navigate the road to as much normalcy as possible as the pandemic subsides met May 23 after Sunday worship. Here is what they are requesting:

  1. This is not a time to be complacent. Remain cautious in your interactions with people whose vaccination status is unknown.
  2. If you are not vaccinated, please consider doing so. Contact Judy Jondahl, Steve Meoli or Bobbie Chapman for assistance if needed.
  3. Worship service in the sanctuary:
  • You no longer need to preregister your attendance for Sunday service.
  • Continue to wear your mask.
  • Follow the directions of the ushers. The entrance and exit patterns have been slightly changed.
  • No more need to take temperatures.
  • Hand washing stations are now optional.
  • Responsive readings can be done. But please speak very softly.
  • No congregational singing yet. But that day is coming!
  • Follow the directions of the ushers. After service, please do not linger in the narthex.
  • Please no handshakes or hugs. But that day is coming!
  • There will be no fellowship hour in King Hall for the immediate future. But that day is coming!
  • Remember to follow the directions of the ushers!

As a church family we have done well throughout this unprecedented time in our lives. Thank you for your faithfulness, thoughtfulness, and patience. We are a stronger church now than we were seventeen months ago.