Celebrate Your Roots and Embrace Your Personal History

Celebrate Your Roots and Embrace Your Personal History - 50th Anniversary event at Church of the Palms UCC Sun City

Presented by the Social Justice Action Team

Sunday, March 17th, in King Hall at noon, following worship

Come to an all-church potluck and program event for members and friends where we will share, explore, and celebrate our various personal heritage stories.

Please bring a dish to share that reflects your ancestry, or a salad, side dish or dessert. Don’t know your history/ancestry? Just bring a favorite dish. You may wish to wear clothing which reflects your ancestry/heritage. Think about sharing stories, perhaps about how family traditions have been maintained, or how holidays and birthdays have been celebrated.

Featured Speaker: Attorney Brendan Mahoney, a member of First Congregational Church UCC in Phoenix, will be our presenter. Brendan will share his extensive knowledge of immigration patterns to the United States over the centuries. Where have our immigrants come from and what were the motivating factors that brought them here? How has the richness of our past histories enhanced our country? A Social Justice Action Team member has heard Brendan’s presentation and rates it A+ so you won’t want to miss this event.

There will be a signup in the narthex beginning late February. If you ride the church bus, that’s no problem, because transportation will be arranged so that you can attend this event.