Global Pride 2020

Pride won’t be beaten by COVID19 – join us on Saturday 27 June 2020 for the world’s first Global Pride! Global Pride 2020 is being organised by Prides from across the world. We will have speeches, performances, film and other content from Prides in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and South, Central and North America. A… Continue reading Global Pride 2020

Pride Parking Lot Parade

June is Gay Pride Month! The Church of the Palms is celebrating Open and Affirming Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. online worship service on June 28, 2020. Afterward, we’ll have a parking lot parade starting at 11:00 am. Keeping our physical distance, we’ll cruise our church parking lot. Decorate your car, your truck, your golf… Continue reading Pride Parking Lot Parade

WISE Moment for Mental Health

As The Palms focuses on LGBTQ Pride and National Hunger Awareness Month, it is a blessing that our church is a safe place to speak openly, advocate fully, and remain present with our LGBTQ Community. There is still much to do to ensure that our lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer brothers and sisters experience rights… Continue reading WISE Moment for Mental Health

Medicine Wheel, Sacred Circle or Circle of Life

by Max Klinkenborg The three names in the title all describe the same pattern but from different perspectives. Medicine Wheel, which is the most common and latest naming, came from the Europeans who had concept of a wheel, an alien idea to Native Americans. Sacred Circle describes the communal, ceremonial use. Circle of Life describes… Continue reading Medicine Wheel, Sacred Circle or Circle of Life

After the Rain

by Pastor Jim Alexander There’s always a rainbow after the rain. The Church of the Palms has been encouraged to focus on some aspect of mental health each month for the past several months. Our areas of focus have been: Self Esteem (February), Developmental Disabilities Awareness (March), The Warning Signs of Mental Illness (April), and… Continue reading After the Rain

Favorite Hymn Singing!

On June 7th we’ll begin our services with FAVORITE HYMN SINGING!! This will continue throughout the summer months. Browse the hymnal by clicking here OR you can just provide the titles of your favorite hymns. Once you have decided what you would like to submit, click on this link, type in your titles and hit the submit button.… Continue reading Favorite Hymn Singing!

Being The Palms: Supporting the Homeless Among Us

From the Social Justice Action Team at The Church of the Palms UCC: One of the positive things about being hunkered down in our homes during the COVID19 pandemic is that it provides opportunities to do something special for those who have it so much worse than we do. Take, for example, our growing homeless… Continue reading Being The Palms: Supporting the Homeless Among Us

Meet the Church of the Palms Social Justice Champions: Pam & Paul Clark

Each year, the Social Justice Action Team selects an individual(s) to receive the Social Justice Champion Award. The person(s) chosen best exemplifies our guiding scripture “And what does the LORD require of us but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God” Micah 6:8. Selection criteria includes: History of being… Continue reading Meet the Church of the Palms Social Justice Champions: Pam & Paul Clark