A challenge: Reducing our household’s carbon footprint

By Beth Moore, Creation Justice Task Force

I last wrote in April of this year about the work Church of the Palms has embarked on to care for God’s creation by reducing our “carbon footprint” — the amount of CO2 we put into the environment. We began the work of reducing our carbon footprint by installing solar panels on the church (projected to reduce our CO2 emissions from electricity by 50%) and are continuing it by upgrading interior lighting and external air conditioning units to reflect the most energy efficient products on the market.

Our Creation Justice Team invites you to become a part of this process. We will gather November 16th at 9 a.m. (in person and online) to learn how to calculate our household “carbon footprint,” as well as examine the impact that our individual actions can have on reducing it. Our session will include a quick review of the impact carbon dioxide has on God’s planet earth, offer an interactive demonstration of the Cool Congregation’s Household Calculator and hear from you about steps you are taking to reduce your carbon footprint. We’ll also share a list of 25 things you can do that cost less than $25 but collectively will make a significant difference in reducing CO2.

My article in April was entitled “Know your power source.” I wrote about our power source as Christians being love, and the fact that our love of God is manifest in our love of Neighbor, love of Creation and love of Children. Indeed, this is what being the Church of the Palms is all about. We are the hands of God in our world. So come learn with us about ways we can deepen our love of creation.