9 truths and 1 lie about my employment history

What kind of jobs have you labored at during your lifetime? Did you have a favorite one? I’ve done a lot of different jobs in my life. Here’s a list of nine truths about my employment history and one lie. Can you guess which one is the lie?
Youth Minister
Professional Basketball Player
Factory Worker
Sheet Metal Fabricator
Lawn Mowing
Substitute Church Accompanist
Delivery Boy
Nursery Worker (Childcare)
Nursery Worker (Plants)
As we approach Labor Day, let’s give thanks to all those who work to help us live the life we live. Be intentional and thank the individuals who help you.
Shalom, Paul

The answer:

Youth Minister – Yep, all the way through college and seminary.

Professional Basketball Player – Yes, I was paid to play basketball with the faculty in college. They needed another person for fill out the team and the chaplain let me put it on my timesheet (Big money – $5 per hour!).

Factory Worker – I worked beside Wendy making lead weights for golf clubs.

Sheet Metal Fabricator – My brother-in-law owned a sheet metal shop and I worked for him. It really helped me pay for college.

Lawn Mowing – In the heat of the Arizona summer I mowed lawns. I even mowed the church lawn with a real tractor!

Substitute Church Accompanist – The pianist who played for my college church was in her 80s. And some Sundays, she didn’t feel well enough to play. With no notice, I would get drafted!

Delivery Boy – In college, I worked for The Center for Human Interdependence and delivered multicultural curriculum to teachers across Orange County, California.

Nursery Worker (Childcare) – My first job at college was to put three-year-olds to sleep. I would talk…and they’d go to sleep! Not much has changed.

Nursery Worker (Plants) – I spend a lot of money at plant nurseries, but I have never been employed by one! It’s the lie!