What new folks find at The Palms

Have you noticed all the new people hanging out at The Palms? With new people come questions – and we love questions! Most inquiries ask me to describe our church. What phrases would you use to sketch out who and what we are? How would you describe us?

At The Palms, we celebrate the diversity of God’s creation which reminds us that ALL are created in the image of God. We are a caring and welcoming community of faith that includes traditional, joyful worship, education that stimulates our hearts and minds to action, and mission opportunities that deepen our compassion.

We are affiliated with the United Church of Christ. We blend the great traditions of the denomination into a fabric of love for the current world.  

So, what will folks find when they come to The Palms? Here are some thoughts.

  • An atmosphere of hospitality and safety nurtured by people who understand how painful it is to feel excluded by society.
  • A community of believers able to respect different points of view while discussing complex and difficult questions of life and death.
  • Opportunities to share your life with people of integrity and purpose who have the courage to work for justice and peace locally and globally.
  • Experiences of joy and love, laughter and playfulness, service and thanksgiving among people who believe that God’s love embraces everyone.
  • A weekly celebration at the communion table that is open to all. The table is set for sinners, dancers, and dreamers. The table is set for the dying, divorced, suffering and fearful. The table is set for excluded, the joyful, and thankful.  The table is set for you and me.

I must admit that it’s kind of fun thinking about who we are. It makes me smile and thank God. Made in the image of God, we’re something special, you and me. And God is doing something special here at The Palms!

So, what are your thoughts about who and what we are at The Palms? I’d love to hear what you have to say. 

Shalom, Palm