A much-neglected dimension of the Christian life is how communal it is. We say, “Bee the Church!” That is, be the living community which is Jesus’ body: loving, working for justice, and welcoming. In the Apostle Paul’s letters, he often begins with, “I thank God in all my remembrances of you.” His message starts with… Continue reading The Christian life is a team sport.
Tag: UCC
Holy One, Sometimes life just seems to have too many times: Too many times of violence and death Too many demands and problems Too many broken dreams and lives Too many wars, fights, and arguments Too many moments of greed Too many people devouring each other like laughing hyenas on a dead carcass Too many… Continue reading Too
The countdown begins
This year both Pastor Jim and I turn 60. That’s right, both of us! I am a few months older than him. Well, lo and behold, I am counting down the sixty days before I turn 60. Each day, I want to do something to improve flexibility and my physical ability. Jesus had 40 days… Continue reading The countdown begins
What new folks find at The Palms
Have you noticed all the new people hanging out at The Palms? With new people come questions – and we love questions! Most inquiries ask me to describe our church. What phrases would you use to sketch out who and what we are? How would you describe us? At The Palms, we celebrate the diversity… Continue reading What new folks find at The Palms
Christmas Blessings to all
As we await the coming of the Christ Child, take heart in the hope, joy, light, and love that Jesus brings. Christmas blessings to all this holiday season from the United Church of Christ, and peace in the New Year.
David’s Discernings: ONA Sunday
written by Rev. David Klingensmith I am proud to be a member of this congregation that proudly flies the rainbow flag and welcomes members of the LGBTQ+ community to join us on the journey. More than 1,760 UCC congregations have adopted Open and Affirming covenants. This is so important because LGBTQ+ folks are facing continued… Continue reading David’s Discernings: ONA Sunday
New life for those seldom-used special characters on your keyboard!
The UCC is widely known as that “comma church.” Meaning that our denomination’s logo includes a comma. That comma symbol has its genesis from a quote, not from some famous theologian, but from entertainer Gracie Allen to her husband, George Burns: “Never place a period where God has put a comma.” We’ve added over the… Continue reading New life for those seldom-used special characters on your keyboard!
How we express our love of creation
Love of creation is part of the “3 Great Loves” that our denomination is focusing upon. Can you name the other two? Right: neighbor and children. Much of our efforts these last couple of years has focused on love of neighbor. We are to love thy black, poor, differently-abled, immigrant, Islamic, and atheist neighbor. Much… Continue reading How we express our love of creation
Love of Creation: Faith Climate Voter Campaign
We need your help. Church of the Palms is one of many faith communities partnering with Arizona Interfaith Power and Light (AZPL) and other organizations to protect and preserve our precious, but increasingly fragile, environment. The goal of AZPL is to have 3,000 Faith Climate Voter Campaign Pledges before the November election. Check out the… Continue reading Love of Creation: Faith Climate Voter Campaign