When Wendy and I got married, money was tight. She had an art class in which part of the supply list was a huge set of oil pastel, every color of the rainbow and then some. Let me tell ya, they weren’t cheap. But, oh, they looked so good, just like the ones real art… Continue reading Broken people
Tag: UCC
There’s still room at the table for YOU!
The national holiday of Thanksgiving began as a celebration of the harvest and other blessings, according to history books. Thanksgiving, however, has since moved away from its Puritan roots and has become a day to symbolize intercultural peace, America’s opportunity for newcomers, and the sanctity of home and family. For generations, Thanksgiving Day, fondly referred to… Continue reading There’s still room at the table for YOU!
Remembering our saints this Sunday
For all the saints, who from their labors rest… If you see a turtle on a fence post, you know it had help. None of us arrived where we are without the help of others. It might have been parents, siblings, grandparents, or other relatives who guided us on our journey. More than likely on… Continue reading Remembering our saints this Sunday
Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms.
Grat-i-tude (grat’ – a – tud) n. thankfulness [L. gratus, pleasing, thankful]. Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms. Your presence, participation, and sharing of your time, talent and treasure make this place so special. In a world where there are a lot of choices, thanks for choosing The Palms! There are so… Continue reading Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms.
Looking for blessings, rather than curses
Summers are hard in the Sonoran Desert. About this time of year, I am worn out and truly tired of the heat! So, prompted by the Spirit, I was reminded of a simple, yet powerful mindfulness activity: find three things a day that you are grateful for and write them down. I committed to making… Continue reading Looking for blessings, rather than curses
Why is social justice important?
“Sharing Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome” is our mission statement. Justice is the center, the heart, a core value of that statement on purpose. Why Is social justice important? Social justice promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society. For example, it promotes equitable economic, educational, and workplace opportunities. It’s also important to… Continue reading Why is social justice important?
Instead of the 10 Commandments…
On this day when we celebrate our country’s birth, a few folks are wanting the Ten Commandments posted in our schools. Years ago, Kurt Vonnegut once said, “Christians have often demanded that the Ten Commandments be posted on public buildings, but never the Beatitudes.” And he wondered, “why?” Instead of the 10 Commandments, how about… Continue reading Instead of the 10 Commandments…
The Christian life is a team sport.
A much-neglected dimension of the Christian life is how communal it is. We say, “Bee the Church!” That is, be the living community which is Jesus’ body: loving, working for justice, and welcoming. In the Apostle Paul’s letters, he often begins with, “I thank God in all my remembrances of you.” His message starts with… Continue reading The Christian life is a team sport.
Holy One, Sometimes life just seems to have too many times: Too many times of violence and death Too many demands and problems Too many broken dreams and lives Too many wars, fights, and arguments Too many moments of greed Too many people devouring each other like laughing hyenas on a dead carcass Too many… Continue reading Too
The countdown begins
This year both Pastor Jim and I turn 60. That’s right, both of us! I am a few months older than him. Well, lo and behold, I am counting down the sixty days before I turn 60. Each day, I want to do something to improve flexibility and my physical ability. Jesus had 40 days… Continue reading The countdown begins