“Sharing Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome” is our mission statement. Justice is the center, the heart, a core value of that statement on purpose. Why Is social justice important? Social justice promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society. For example, it promotes equitable economic, educational, and workplace opportunities. It’s also important to… Continue reading Why is social justice important?
Tag: Sun City AZ
2024 Summer Film Festival
The Social Justice Leadership Team Presents the 2024 Summer Film Festival! Save your Fridays from July 19 through August 30, 1–2:30 pm for: √ Popcorn, peanuts, and soft drinks √ Air-conditioned comfort √ Time with church family and friends √ Learning about social justice issues and programs Members of the Social Justice Leadership Team will… Continue reading 2024 Summer Film Festival
Instead of the 10 Commandments…
On this day when we celebrate our country’s birth, a few folks are wanting the Ten Commandments posted in our schools. Years ago, Kurt Vonnegut once said, “Christians have often demanded that the Ten Commandments be posted on public buildings, but never the Beatitudes.” And he wondered, “why?” Instead of the 10 Commandments, how about… Continue reading Instead of the 10 Commandments…
The Christian life is a team sport.
A much-neglected dimension of the Christian life is how communal it is. We say, “Bee the Church!” That is, be the living community which is Jesus’ body: loving, working for justice, and welcoming. In the Apostle Paul’s letters, he often begins with, “I thank God in all my remembrances of you.” His message starts with… Continue reading The Christian life is a team sport.
“Because he’s black.”
The first eight years of my life were lived on an Air Force base where there was a wide variety of people. My earliest memories of elementary school are of spending time with my best friends, John-John and Keith. John-John’s mom was Vietnamese and his father was African-American giving him wonderful patches of skin – swirls… Continue reading “Because he’s black.”
My thoughts on parables
As I looked to the summer lectionary scripture texts, I thought, “There are a lot of parable stories… and that’s a good thing!” Permit me to explain. Some people prefer rules or lists for teaching opportunities. I confess that I would much rather hear a story than a hard and fast list. Stories give me… Continue reading My thoughts on parables
Top 10 Remebrances: Reflecting on 8 Years Together
Eight years ago, I began my ministry with The Church of the Palms. We’ve done some marvelous things with the help of God. It’s not you or me, it’s us working together following our call from God. Here’s a list of top ten remembrances for the past eight years. 10) Creating a Mission Statement –… Continue reading Top 10 Remebrances: Reflecting on 8 Years Together
Guess who’s retiring?
Seasons change things. The awesomeness of spring in the Sonoran Desert surely moves into the blistering heat of summer. Family and friends graduate and move on with their lives. People die and are gone from our day-to-day actions. People retire from long and blessed careers. Things are always changing. My wife, Wendy, has decided to… Continue reading Guess who’s retiring?
Pentecost – We are called!
In New Testament Greek, the word for church is ekklesia. The word is usually translated as “church,” and also means “assembly, congregation, or meeting.” The Greek literally means “called out ones” from ek meaning “out,” and kaleo, meaning “to call.” Some scholars have stressed that this “called out” sense of the word provides a hint as to how we should… Continue reading Pentecost – We are called!
What’s your mantra?
The word mantra has two parts: man, which is the root of the Sanskrit word for mind; and tra, which is the root of the word instrument. Therefore, a mantra is an instrument of the mind that we can use to help us on the way of life. For me, a mantra isn’t filled with… Continue reading What’s your mantra?