Our New Sacred Place: Donations Area

A sacred place is defined as a space distinguished from other spaces. The rituals that a people either practice at a place or direct toward it mark its sacredness and differentiate it from other defined spaces. At The Church of The Palms, we have several sacred spaces: Our beautiful Sanctuary, the Memorial Garden, our Chapel,… Continue reading Our New Sacred Place: Donations Area

Seeking volunteers for potential shower trailer ministry

When homeless persons are asked what they need, they most often say: A shower. Cities all over the U.S. are finding creative ways to offer showers. In Mesa, Paz de Cristo rents a shower trailer each Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., during which 60 people will take a shower. As we continue our… Continue reading Seeking volunteers for potential shower trailer ministry

Photos from the April Fellowship Breakfast

Pastor Francis and his son, Cedric, of Solution Church

Pastor Francis from Solution Church shared his experience ministering with refugees from Africa. Solution Church is one of the outreach projects that our Board of Mission and Outreach sponsors. Len Silvester, who first connected us with Pastor Francis, gave us a history of the relationship with Solution Church. Breakfast was delicious, as usual, thanks to… Continue reading Photos from the April Fellowship Breakfast