
I like to make up words. If a guy named Shakespeare did it, I figure why can’t I? Words like “Fantabulous” (fantastic + fabulous) and “Splend-differous” (Splendid + differentness). Timothy Merrill made up a word, “Grace-onomics” (grace + economics). How do those go together? Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner wrote a book which challenged our… Continue reading Grace-onomics

Grace and glue: two strange partners

by Kay Klinkenborg Grace and glue. Two strange partners. In this harried, frightening, and disordered time, how can I step into grace? There is an element that needs to take place, whether in 3 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour. It is silence. Stop. Step back. Listen. Absorb. BE SILENT!  Pause, take a personal inventory… Continue reading Grace and glue: two strange partners