“How long, O Lord?” the Psalmist cried.
We, too, ask that question: How long, O Lord? How long until this? How long until that?
How long do we have to wear masks? Take temps? Register attendance? Use hand sanitizer? How long are we going to have a truncated worship service? What about singing? What about entering and exiting the building? What about handshakes, hugs, and passing the peace? Plus, I miss the cookies after worship!
It is out of abundance of caution that we act – protecting the most vulnerable within our group. It is out of abundance of caution that we are requesting that you continue to wear masks for worship; and we recommend using the hand sanitizing stations. We will no longer take temps or ask you to register your attendance.
We’ll continue to have a shortened worship service (don’t get used to it!) but will begin to expand our liturgy to include a liturgist, responsive readings, and such. Please refrain from singing at this point. We hope to be able to make a joyful noise soon, but not yet!
More changes and constants: We’re changing our exit point: we’ll enter exactly as we have but will exit through the back of the sanctuary – no more side exits (or as Snagglepuss used to say, “exit, stage left”). The constant is no formal fellowship time (cookie time) just yet. Handshakes, hugs, and passing the peace are on hold as well.
Thank you for your patience and abundant caution. We will update you as things change.
Shalom, Paul
“How long, O Lord?”