During all of my tenure here at The Palms, we’ve been gifted with a talented accompanist. It is with mixed emotions that we announce that Elaine Klauser is retiring. She has served the church almost seven years and worked with Pastor Jim 20 years.
It’s bittersweet because we are so happy for her and her husband, Jim, that they can get out of this heat in the warm months. Yet, we are saddened to lose a talented member of the staff upon whom we could depend.
Although her job has been to play for us and accompany our singers and choirs, an added blessing has been that she is just a nice, kind-hearted person. Finding someone to play is hard; finding someone who also embodies our mission of “Sharing God’s Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome” will be harder!
Elaine, we salute you and thank you for your service.
She is technically with us through the end of the month but with vacation, her last Sunday with us is July 11. We will have a proper celebration of her ministry with us this fall where we will be able to express our gratitude.
I hope you can communicate your respect, love, and appreciation to Elaine.
Shalom, Paul