Instructions: This is an “open book” test. The answers are found in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21, and Acts 1. You may do it by yourself or in a group. Comparing answers is encouraged. Place an “x” on the line if you think the answer is Biblically correct. Share this with neighbors, friends, and your family for extra credit.
1. The woman/women who went to the tomb was/were:
____a. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
____b. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, & Salome
____c. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna & others
____d. Mary Magdalene
2. The time of early morning was:
____a. When the sun had risen
____b. While it was still dark
3. At the tomb was/were:
____a. An angel ____b. A young man
____c. Two men ____d. Two angels
4. The reaction of the woman/women was one of:
____a. Amazement, astonishment
____b. Fear and trembling
____c. Great joy
5. After leaving the tomb, the woman/women:
____a. Told the disciples ____b. Said nothing to anyone
6. The reaction of the disciples at first was that:
____a. They didn’t believe the women; seemed an idle tale
____b. Peter & John went immediately to the tomb
7. Jesus first appeared to the disciples:
____a. In Galilee, on a mountain
____b. In an upper room in Jerusalem
8. Jesus seemingly last appeared to the disciples:
____a. On a mountain in Galilee
____b. On a mountain in Bethany (or just outside Bethany)
____c. By the Sea of Tiberias
9. The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples:
____a. Before Jesus ascended; in the upper room he breathed on them
____b. After Jesus ascended, on the Day of Pentecost
10. We have many details about the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Which Gospel writer gives the most details about the actual Resurrection of Jesus from the grave? Which one best describes what happened when Jesus rose from the dead?
____a. Matthew ____b. Mark ____c. Luke ____d. John
In questions 1 through 9, all of the choices are correct — each Gospel presents their own part of the story. In question 10, none are correct, since none of the Gospels describe the actual Resurrection of Christ; only what happened afterward.
This test was taken from a quiz from my childhood that I have adapted for our use.
Here’s a bonus question: How does the Resurrection change our life? That essay is written every day, in every moment, with all that we say and do.
Shalom, Paul