The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Launched

At the March 18th, 2017 Church Council meeting, unanimous approval was given to establish the Church of the Palms Social Justice Team. The work of this team will include the following activities: P (Prayer) A (Action) L (Love) M (Ministry) S (Support) Each of these activities is an important as the next. So there is… Continue reading The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team Launched

Photos from the April Fellowship Breakfast

Pastor Francis and his son, Cedric, of Solution Church

Pastor Francis from Solution Church shared his experience ministering with refugees from Africa. Solution Church is one of the outreach projects that our Board of Mission and Outreach sponsors. Len Silvester, who first connected us with Pastor Francis, gave us a history of the relationship with Solution Church. Breakfast was delicious, as usual, thanks to… Continue reading Photos from the April Fellowship Breakfast

Reaffirmation and Dedication of Jump Start Bible Study Members

Jump Start Bible Study, a diverse collection of the children of God, has gathered as a community of love this day to reaffirm their desire to serve, to study, to learn, to share, to bring the good news that all are welcome within the family of God. “What does the Lord require of you but… Continue reading Reaffirmation and Dedication of Jump Start Bible Study Members