How many kids have asked that on long car rides? “Are we there yet?” I remember asking such a question as a child – we were on day one, about 100 miles from home, on a 5,000-mile cross-country trip and I asked, “When are we going to get there?” adding, “My bottom is tired of sitting.”
Civility prevents me from quoting the exact words my parents chose as a response to me that day. Suffice it to say that I didn’t ask that question again nor did I comment on the soreness of my bottom.
As a church coming out of quarantine, are we there yet? And when are we going to get there?
Short answer: we’re not there yet. And I don’t know exactly when we will get there. However, I do know that we have a group of dedicated folks who are using abundant caution and who are looking into those questions trying to answer them. We aren’t there yet, but we are getting close.
I love being back in the sanctuary with you, but I ask for patience as we try our best to navigate these times of sail-adjusting in the middle of a gale! In the coming weeks, as we are able to get closer to our goal of normalcy, I ask for grace as we learn and adapt and learn and grow and learn and listen and make changes.
I look forward to the Sunday when we can sing hymns, have responsive readings, and pass the peace. We’re not there yet. But we’re getting close while making sure everyone is safe. When will that Sunday come? I will sing it from the mountain tops and let you know. Until then, let’s enjoy this ride.
Shalom, Paul
Are we there yet?