Annual Meetings at The Palms are never boring.

Our Annual Meeting is this Saturday, January 30 at 9 a.m. on Bridges.
Annual Meetings at The Palms are rarely boring, humdrum, or same-old-same-old stuff. Each one takes on its own personality. Some elements within the meetings are the similar: We hear of budgets and activities; I stand up and give my State-of-the-Church Address which interprets the past and looks forward toward the future; and people are nominated and voted upon to hold certain offices.
While this particular meeting is unique, let’s remember the huge sacrifices that people made for the church in 2020. For this particular communication piece, I’d like to focus on the people. We are truly indebted to the leadership team during 2020. During a pandemic, they were a stable foundation upon which all of us could lean upon. I am grateful for all our chairs of boards, committees, and task forces. The members of the Council —I am honored to have served with you.
The leaders among leaders of 2020 need to be acknowledged, too. l lift up our Moderators: Judy, Sandy, and Susan. Thank you for your gifts which blessed The Palms and me! I am grateful for our Council officers which includes our moderators, Margaret, our Clerk, and our Treasurer, Bertie. Thank you!
And finally, thank you to those nominated for leadership in 2021: Our Moderators, John, Suzanne, and Jerry; our Clerk, Margaret; our Treasurer, Bertie, our Assistant-Treasurer, Marcia. I have every confidence that, with God’s help, we will meet the challenges 2021 brings.
Shalom, Paul