Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms.

Grat-i-tude (grat’ – a – tud) n. thankfulness [L. gratus, pleasing, thankful].

Thank you for choosing The Church of the Palms. Your presence, participation, and sharing of your time, talent and treasure make this place so special. In a world where there are a lot of choices, thanks for choosing The Palms! There are so many things in which to celebrate at The Palms!

  • I rejoice that we are a church that welcomes all.
  • I rejoice that it is a place of worship where members can share their leadership gifts.
  • I rejoice that we’re large enough to have significant ministries in this community and world and yet small enough to know your name and story.
  • I rejoice that “church” takes place on Sunday mornings in worship but also in the community giving showers, with clothing when people are released from prison, writing letters to those still incarcerated, helping refugees, and learning opportunities online.
  • I rejoice that I am challenged to expand my views and not just reaffirm my views.

So, why do you rejoice?

Shalom, Paul