“You have to sing louder than the senior minister!”

Hymns are one of my favorite parts of worship. While I like trying to sing the melody, my true joy is hitting the bottom bullfrog bass notes. Music touches parts of my soul that words fail to reach.

When I first began in ministry (which was last century!), I found myself in the role of Associate Minister at a large church. Before my first Sunday, the choir director and a few key choir members pulled me aside and said, “You have to sing louder than the senior minister!” He sang badly and loudly. Dogs would howl and babies would cry when he sang.

I made it a goal to be the loudest singer in the church. I talked with the people who ran our soundboard – lower his mic, raise mine on all hymns. It worked! He could make what was in his mind a joyful noise and the rest of us could keep the hymn on key.

Chalice Hymnal

This Sunday at The Palms we will continue a tradition we have done for many years, and which is a favorite of mine – a Hymn Sing before worship. You will want to come early to join in the fun. Make your selections from the hymnal and place your choices in the barrel in the narthex. Jen will select some for each week. Wendy will help lead them.

If you are a great singer, marvelous! If you sound like nails on a chalkboard, that’s okay too. Make a joyful noise! Sing as loudly as you want to… I’ve already talked with the people who run the soundboard.

Shalom, Paul