Why is social justice important?

“Sharing Unconditional Love, Justice, and Extravagant Welcome” is our mission statement. Justice is the center, the heart, a core value of that statement on purpose. Why Is social justice important? Social justice promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society. For example, it promotes equitable economic, educational, and workplace opportunities. It’s also important to the safety and security of individuals and communities.

According to the National Education Association (NEA), “The absence of social justice results in social oppression.” The NEA notes this could be in the form of “racism, sexism, ageism, classism, ableism, and heterosexism.” It also suggests the following strategies for promoting social justice:

  • Concentrate on diversity
  • Confront the implications of oppression
  • Learn and address the attitudes and behaviors that sustain oppression
  • Adopt an inclusive mindset

It’s important for us to apply the above strategies to advance growth and change among vulnerable groups, such as seniors, LGBTQ+, homeless, veterans, and refugee communities. It’s the middle of the year; in the heart (or heat) of summer, how can we show that social justice centers our lives, is in our hearts, and is a core value as individuals and as a community?

Shalom, Paul