The Church of the Palms UCC in January 2021 received certification as a W.I.S.E. congregation for mental health under the guidelines of the UCC General Synod. The UCC General Synod voted in 2015 to overwhelmingly adopt a resolution to develop a network of churches that are welcoming, inclusive, supportive and engaged (W.I.S.E.) for mental health.

The Palms remains committed to the whole person: all of their life experiences, joys, concerns, sorrows. We offer the following resources:
On May 15, 2022 as a part of our Mental Health Awareness Sunday Worship, Kay Klinkenborg, Retired RN, LMFT, Clinical Member AAMFT shared her own personal story entitled, “Surviving, Striving, Thriving: A Journey from PTSD & Depression to Mental Wellness.
The RAINBOW Path to Healing & Mental Wellness
Substance Abuse and Misuse in LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Mental Health Self-Assessment Tools for Military Veterans
Mental Health Awareness Month, Week 4: Access to Care Lacking in Arizona
Mental Health Awareness Month, Week 3: Words Matter
Mental Health Awareness Month, Week 1: Practicing Radical Acceptance
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
The Future is: Self-care, Advocacy and Inclusion #BurnBrightNotOut
What Mental Health is and What it Looks Like
Insomnia: The Why and What to Do About It
Prolonged Complex Compassion Fatigue: An Outcome of Caring Deeply
Article: Ways Prisons and Mental-Health Systems Work Against People of Color
Sacred Stories from our Black Brothers and Sisters: Lauren Carson
Cultivating Self-Esteem Skills
Characteristics of Resilient People
What Mental Health Is and Is Not
HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition
How Faith Communities can be WISE about HIV
How to Thrive During the Holidays
Resources for Extra Support, Connection
A Safe Space for Starting Conversations about Suicide and its Prevention
Gigi’s Playhouse Phoenix: A Center for Down Syndrome Achievement
October is Positive Attitude Month
Can Spirituality Decrease Depression?
A Safe Space to Talk About Suicide
Self Care and Personal Wellness for Caregivers
Not Again…Contemplations for Faith & Hope Amid Latest COVID Surge
Caregiving: Alzheimer’s Disease
Caregiving: Tips for When a Loved One has a Stroke
Banish Boredom with an Activity a Day for July
Words For You, a Juneteenth Slam Poem
A National Model for Whole-Person Care
What if One Word Could Say It?
The Ripple Effect of Mental Illness
Make the World a Better Place for People with Mental Health Challenges
Taking Charge of Your Mental Health
Mental Illness, Recovery, and the Science Behind It
January 2021: Start the New Year WISE
God’s Promises: S is for Shining Forth
God’s Promises: E is for Endued
God’s Promises: S is for Steadfast
God’s Promises: I is for Initiator
God’s Promises: M is for Mercy
God’s Promises: O is for Overture
God’s Promises: R is for Ready
God’s Promises: P is for Proclamation
You are Not Alone: Writing the Psalms
Strength Over Silence: You are Not Alone
Strength Over Silence: Discovering my Superpower
Strength Over Silence: Tackling Mental Health Stigma
Checklist for Preparedness at Home
Invigorate, be Valiant, and Exhilarate Yourself and Those Around You
Optimal Grace and Generous Self-Care
Self Talk: Identifying, Challenging, Changing
Anger: Styles of Communication
Processing Anger; Managing Grief
Finding the Positive After Loss
Read Shea Darian’s article about “a new way of doing grief.”
WISE Moment for Mental Wellness: Intense Emotions
View and print this resource: Intense Feelings: Defuse Them
Shea Darian: Grief as a Creative Life Force
Comfort in a Basket – with Kay Klinkenborg.
Learn the techniques and benefits of TONGLEN as taught by Kay Klinkenborg.
Transform Negative Emotions Into Positive Thoughts—with Kay Klinkenborg