Take time to notice

As we move into the month of March, take time to notice.

Over thirty years ago, Ed was on his deathbed. One of the last things he said to me had to do with being a workaholic. He relayed the following story of his life:

One day he arrived home, his wife was busy trying to take care of their one-year child and start dinner. He took the youngster, allowing his wife to focus on the meal. He sat the kid down in the middle of the living room complete with some toys in arm’s reach and picked up the afternoon paper to read.

Before Ed could open the newspaper, the child stood on his own and started walking towards his dad. The proud papa called out, “Honey come quick, Jack is taking his first steps.” His wife popped her head out the kitchen and said, “He’s been doing that for a month now. You’ve just been too busy to notice.”


Ed, on his deathbed, then grabbed my hand squeezing it with all his might and said, “Don’t be like me. I didn’t learn my lesson. Take time to notice.”

On our Lenten journey this week what can you notice in nature? God’s creation is particularly spectacular in March in the Sonoran Desert. What plants, what creatures do you see? How are climate issues changing creation? Be intentional and take time to notice and recognize the holy within it.

Sun City is as busy in March as any time of the year. Are there people in the margins of society, of life, that we are too busy to notice? Friends, neighbors, fellow shoppers, strangers, rich, poor, homeless? Be intentional! Take time to notice and recognize the holy within them.

Shalom, Paul