Traditionally, January 6 is called Epiphany, and it follows the 12 days of Christmas. The Day of Epiphany celebrates the wise men bringing gifts to the Christ child. In the liturgical calendar, January 7 through March 4, 2025 is the season after Epiphany. The word Epiphany comes from the Greek, “epiphaneia,” and means appearance, showing… Continue reading Like the wise men bringing three gifts, let me suggest you try these three things
Tag: growth
The hard thing when you get old
Our overarching church theme this year has been “What makes you come alive? Go and do it! Because the world needs people who are alive.” That is taken from a Howard Thurman quote. It has served us well as we journeyed in ministry in 2023. The Progressive Art Installation where a tree and meadow emerged… Continue reading The hard thing when you get old