Have you heard about our Gift Card Program? Scrip is a wonderful way to purchase gift cards for family, friends (and yourself!) while supporting The Church of the Palms. When you purchase gift cards through Scrip, The Palms receives a kickback percentage from the sales once the cards are used. And there is a huge selection of gift cards to choose from.
Here’s how to participate in our Scrip Gift Card Program:
1. Choose your gift cards by retailer and denomination. Click here for a current list of participating retailers.
2. Fill out a Scrip Order Form. Click the image for a printable version.

3. Please make checks payable to Church of the Palms, and be sure to write “Gift Card Order” in the memo line.
4. Deliver the Order Form and your payment to the church by the first Sunday of the month. Leave your order form and payment in the “Scrip” cubby in the church office.
5. Gift Card Orders will be placed that week and delivered by the third Sunday of the month.