HART Pantry is holding a back-to-school drive for at-risk teens. Donations will be accepted until July 13. Please drop off items in the HART Pantry box in our narthex.
Needed items include:
- Adult size backpacks
- Filler paper (college rule)
- 1 Subject spiral notebook (college rule)
- Composition books
- Erasers (Dollar Tree has multiple packs)
- Pencils/Mechanical Pencils
- Pencil Case (cloth mesh) Dollar Tree
- Earbuds, Dollar Tree
- Pencil Sharpener
- Microfiber screen cleaning cloth
- Hand sanitizer/disposable wipes
- Geometry kits (protractor, compass, ruler) Dollar Tree
- 3-ring binders
- Subject dividers
- 2-pocket folders
- Calculators
- Highlighters
- Glue sticks
- Pens
- Rulers
- Journal
- Calendar
- Index cards